Monday, September 22, 2008



So very bored with selling insurance. It's been a year already since I've been in this line. Already, I've encountered an overdose of motivational talks and insurance super-stars dishing out their stories on how they have succeeded in this very 'unselfish line of helping pple save money'.

While the others excite over the possibilities of unimagined riches, I've been scrambling for other ideas to earn my keep (Will probably implement my ideas in the very near future). Surely there are better ways to a big paycheck right? I have a hard time believing insurance is the best investment idea but not selling ILPs and endowment policies is the surest way to an empty pocket.

Royston says I think too much.

But I believe in medical insurance (very convicted of the importance of it). Everybody should have medical insurance. Medical inflation was at 14% in the year 2007 so don't go risk your bank account without a proper insurance cover.

I'm being really honest with myself right now. No more pretending this is so fun and that life is just perfect. Shoot. It isn't.

And yes. I have a weakness.

I've got ants in my pants and cursed with the shortest attention span.

okay need to do something else now.


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