Saturday's Timetable:
1) Meet Mum's Ex-classmates
2) Visit Mum's Client
3) Church
I dressed up for the day. Liked the way I looked. Took a shot of myself.
How fun can meeting Mum's Ex-classmates be right? My Mum insisted I go along with her. She wanted to show me off.
Surprisingly, I met an extraordinary bunch of chatty 50-year olds.
A friend of one of my Mum's ex-classmates; Anita Sarawak's Sister. Noor Kalasari (I hope that's how I spell her name) Notice the resemblance? Thick lips and deep set eyes. I know, bad photo taken. She's very animated and energetic. Beside her is my Mum. I had a good laugh observing how people in their 50s had fun.
Next stop: My mum's multi-millionaire client.
Before we entered his home, there was this sign. Apparently, he owns two enormous mountain dogs. The dogs were kept in an air-conditioned kennel in the day time. Hence, I didn't get to see them.
The living room's soooo spacious. I can't reach the coffee table if I were to sit on the couch.
One portion of the garden.
LV Carpet.
The house has extremely high ceilings. Hugh doors are everywhere! This one leads to the swimming pool.
The swimming pool.
The dining area overlooking the pool.
The wife's Porche.
The Multi-Millionaire is proud to show me his home as I happily prance around.
He's a business man who hasn't even acquired a degree.
Love his home.
I want to live in a place like that.
1 comment:
Hey Briony,
You look great! Yeah, we havent seen each other since last yr when we sent farhana off. Perhaps we could meet up with the gang sometime in may? Thats when my exams will be done and over with and I can leave my undergraduate days behind!
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